Glass Preparation

Chilled glasses are the best way to serve your cocktails. Glasses can be put in the refigerator before serving, or another common way is to fill the glass with ice before preparing the drink, swishing the ice around then emptying the ice before pouring. Either way will work and will chill your glass. Often a recipe calls for a glass that is frosted to enhance the drink. There are a couple of different ways to frost a glass depending on the recipe. These are very easy to do and just take a little time before the drink is to be made.

The most common frosted glass is simply put in the freezer or buried in ice cubes long enough to create a white frosted look on the glass.

For drinks that call for sugar frosting, take the frosted glass and wipe the rim with a slice of lemon or lime. After this, dip in powdered sugar to complete the effect.

Margaritas are prepared the same way as sugar frosting, but the rim is coated with lime and dipped in coarse salt.

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