Supplies: Icetray, beer, a quarter, and people

Drinking involved: LOTS!

Play follows as regular quarters except you are shooting into an icetray. The right side of the tray is the "give" side and the left side is the "take" side. The number of drinks to be given or taken corresponds to how far away the hole is. One drink for the hole closest to you and then one more for each one further away. You shoot until you miss or hit the "take" side and must drink yourself.


Supplies: Icetray, beer, a quarter, and people

Drinking involved: LOTS!

Play follows as regular quarters except you are shooting into an icetray. The right side of the tray is the "give" side and the left side is the "take" side. The number of drinks to be given or taken corresponds to how far away the hole is. One drink for the hole closest to you and then one more for each one further away. You shoot until you miss or hit the "take" side and must drink yourself.


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